
精選: 美國陸軍 如雪片般回應的來電與來信中,最讓人意外也最經典的,就屬這封來自美國陸軍的回應。話說這位大衛先生,先是打了個電話來,但因為正當上班時間,不宜在辦公室談論工作,於是請他先寄了工作簡介來,沒想到所謂的「工作簡介」竟然如下: *** Opportunities for Full-Time Military Service*** - The Army's College Loan Repayment Program, Which Can Pay Back Up To $65,000 of your Student Loans - 100% Percent Tuition Assistance, Up to $4,500 Per Year - The Army's Biggest Enlistment Bonus Ever, Up to $40,000 - Up to $73,836 for school from the Army College Fund and GI Bill - Over 200 Exciting Jobs to Choose From - 30 Days of Paid Vacation per Year and Full Medical and Dental Care - Job Opportunities in Special Operations, Intelligence, and Psychological Operations, Computers, Mechanics, and More! - Travel, Excitement and Challenging Experiences You Won't Find Elsewhere *** Opportunities for Part-Time Military Service*** . Serve Your Country Only One Weekend A Month and Two Weeks A Year . Valuable Job Training and Experience in Over 100 Exciting Jobs . Job Opportunities in Medical, Law Enforcement, Communications, Intelligence, Transportation Management and Engineering . Hiring Preference at many Fortune 500 Companies in the PaYs Program . The Army Reserve's Biggest Enlistment Bonus Ever, Up to $20,000 . Up to $41,724 in College Benefits Travel, Excitement and Challenging Experiences You Won't Find Elsewhere If you would like to learn more about the Army or part time opportunities in the Army Reserve, you can email:DAVID.XXXXX2@XXXXX, call 877-000-0000 or visit our web site at Thanks for you time and either way you decide just drop me a line or give me a call. 877-000-0000 David XXXXX Sergeant U.S.ARMY 有趣吧?整封回信,沒有任何的工作介紹,僅有服役美國陸軍的種種福利。福利是很好,但是不知道要做啥,這這這,要從何評估起呢? 於是含蓄地回了信給這位大衛先生說,小妹雖然心動,但礙於個人並非美國公民,只能含恨錯失這大好的良機。不過這位好心的大衛軍官,熱心回信指引,只要具有美國綠卡,也可以為「國」服務。哈,可惜我連綠卡也沒有! 奉勸有意在美國求職又有綠卡身份的人,這個工作真是福利多多,若不介意可能會被送去伊拉克,倒可以考慮考慮加入美國陸軍的行列。 未完—待續


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